Radiation Oncology Department Quality Performance Review Survey

TMATech.com > Open-ended Question

13.1. What specific quality reports do you generate from Lantis, Impac or Varis?
1. monthly stats on linac treatments, new starts, finish, consults, follow-ups, all procedures in dept: ie. plans, sims, tx dev, etc. overrides, weekly quality assurance checks on charts and chart rounds weekly.  
2. charges, number of procedures 
3. Impac-billing 
4. Lantis 
5. daily tx volumes  
6. Impac: Daily treatments, Code summary, Quality Check list reports, Slip annalysis, Unapproved prescriptions, Unapproved treatment fields, Physic chart checks, charge review.  
7. We use IMPAC and aily reports are run for QA checks on complinace, code capture, dosucementation 
8. Track if CPT codes have matching documetation NOTE: Referring to question 11. We are AAAHC accredited  
9. patient delays charge reviews #'s EPI rejected/accepted volumes:NS,OS,sim,consult,follow-up,tx deliveries with breakout: SRS, SRT, brachytherapies, IMRT 
10. We use Oncentra: Patient totals Diagnosis Stats per TX machine and Simulations Patient load by physician New starts 
11. Quality control check of chart contents is tracked in Impac 
12. Over rides Quality Check list time to completion Chart review outstanding documents  
13. Charge reports Referral sources by referring MD, zip codes, diagnosis Dept stats Daily activity by location, staff, status 
14. We are importing templates into Lantis to build worklists that can be accessed by the physician, and done and signed electronically. We are currently utilizing the worklist in Beamview for portal image review. We use the navigator for daily billing, and record of daily treatments. I generate a total bill for each patient at the end of each month out of Lantis, and check it for completeness, and print it out. I generate a total for each CPT code used for the month to count statistics.  
15. Daily treatment summaries, exception reports, etc. Other database reporting systems generates reports on different processes. 
16. Daily treatment summaries, exception reports, etc. Other database reporting systems generates reports on different processes. 
17. Need to work on this[IMPAC] 
18. None 
19. Impac: Quality checklists for physics/dosimetry such as weekly chart checks. In development phase for Quality checklists for nursing, simulation, and physician E&M. 
20. Treatment charts. Override reports 
21. Mostly billing 
22. wait times, overrides 
23. NONE 
24. None 
25. Compare charges billed with documentation in chart Compare charges billed with denials recived  
26. quality checklists