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Links: Medical Physicists



AAHP Qualifications for a University or Healthcare Facility RSO

Educational Resources for Physicists
Information in Health Physics
    From the University of Michigan website

Medical Physics Online
    The official science journal of the AAPM and COMP/CCPM.

Medical Physics Publishing
A nonprofit publisher serving the Medical Physics Community worldwide

NCBI/National Center for Biotechnology Information  
    There is a huge library of IMRT, Stereotactic, HDR and Prostate Implant
    articles, to name a few.  (Choose PubMed under  the search drop down
    menu and type in the category you want to search for).

PTP/Professional Training Programs
    Hands-on, laboratory-based training in the areas of radiation safety (health      
    medical health physics, environmental monitoring, and  decommissioning.

Radioactive Source Exchange Database
Enables organizations possessing radioactive sources that are no longer    
    required to make contact with other organizations with a requirement for a 
    similar source.

REAC/TS:Radiation Emergency Assistance Center
Provides support in the medical management of radiation accidents

Radiological Physics Center (RPC)/MD Anderson
Physics QA and educational services

AAPM Physics Salary Survey (password protected)



AAHP/American Academy of Health Physics

AAPM/American Association of Physicists in Medicine

ACMP/American College of Medical Physics

EMPW/Electronic Medical Physics World

ESSAP/Environmental Survey and Site Assessment Program

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

TDH/Texas Department of Health

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